Mechanisms of Allograft Rejection (Videos Available)

Monday July 02, 2018 from 09:45 to 11:15

Room: N-106

320.2 Missing-self triggers NK-mediated microvascular injuries and chronic rejection of allogenic kidney transplants (Video Available)

Alice Koenig, France

Doctoral trainee ( and clinical trainee )
Kidney transplantation department
INSERM U 1111/ Hospices Civils of Lyon


Missing-Self Triggers NK-Mediated Microvascular Injuries and Chronic Rejection of Allogenic Kidney Transplants

Alice Koenig1,2, Chien-Chia Chen2, Antoine Marçais2, Virginie Mathias3, Antoine Sicard1,2, Maud Rabeyrin5, Maud Racapé4, Jean Paul Duong4, Patrick Bruneval4, Sébastien Dussurgey2, Stéphanie Ducreux3, Emmanuel Morelon1,2, Béatrice Charreau6, Thierry Defrance2, Valérie Dubois3, Thierry Walzer2, Olivier Thaunat1,2.

1Department of Transplantation, Nephrology and Clinical Immunology, Edouard Herriot University Hospital, Lyon, France; 2Unit 1111, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), Lyon, France; 3HLA Laboratory, French National Blood Service (EFS), Lyon, France; 4Paris Translational Research Centre for Organ Transplantation, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France; 5Department of pathology, East Lyon Hospital group, Lyon, France; 6UMR-S 1064, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and Medical Research (Inserm), Nantes, France

Background: Natural Killer cells (NK) are effectors of the innate immune system carrying inhibitory KIR, which regulate the killing function of these cells by interacting with MHC class I molecules (MHC-I). The “missing-self” hypothesis proposes that NK can sense the absence of self MHC-I on the surface of allogeneic cells. This unique characteristic suggests that NK could promote innate-driven rejection, a concept that has not been validated in clinical transplantation.
Methods and results: 938 kidney transplant recipients had a graft biopsy between 2004 and 2012 in our center. Among them, 130 had microvascular inflammation (mvi, g+ptc Banff score ≥ 2), which is usually attributed to humoral rejection. Nevertheless, only 75 had circulating donor-specific antibodies (DSA) directed against HLA antigens or endothelial cells susceptible to explain their microvascular inflammation. We hypothesize that “missing-self” could be responsible for the lesions of the 55 remaining patients (mvi+DSA-). Finally, DNA samples were available for 44 pairs. A matched control group of 55 patients with no microvascular inflammation and no DSA was constructed (mvi-DSA-). Recipients’ KIR genes and donors’ and recipients’ HLA ligands were genotyped and the licensing of the 5 inhibitory KIR with known MHC-I ligands (KIR2DL1/C2, KIR2DL2/C1, KIR2DL3/C1, KIR3DL1/Bw4, KIR3DL2/A3, A11) was assessed for both groups. The proportion of patients with at least 1 licensed inhibitory KIR-ligand mismatch was higher in mvi+DSA- group (66% vs 38%, p=0.009).
In a human in vitro model, we demonstrated that the lack of self MHC-I on endothelial cells can activate NK. This activation triggers mTOR pathway in NK, which can be blocked by rapamycine. Using a murine in vivo cellular model of missing-self mediated killing, we found that rapamycine (but not CNI) can prevent the killing of targets. Finally, we confirmed the existence of missing-self induced rejection in a murine heart transplantation model and its sensitivity to mTOR inhibition.
Conclusion: “Missing-self” triggers NK-mediated chronic vascular rejection of allogeneic kidneys. MTOR inhibitors might be of interest to prevent this previously unrecognized type of rejection.

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