Transplant Immunosuppression Posters

Monday July 02, 2018 from 16:30 to 17:30

Room: Hall 10 - Exhibition

P.253 Bone marrow derived myeloid suppressor cell (BM-MDSCs) prolongs the graft survival in murine heart transplantation

Keiichi Fujimoto, Japan

Juntendo University, Atopy Reserch Center


Bone Marrow Derived Myeloid Suppressor Cell (BM-MDSCs) Prolongs the Graft Survival in Murine Heart Transplantation

Keiichi Fujimoto1,2, Koichiro Uchida1, Enzhi Yin1, mio mejima1, Kazuyoshi Takeda1, Hisashi Bashuda1, Takenori Inomata2, Akira Murakami2, Ko Okumura1.

1Atopy Research Center, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; 2Ophthalmology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Purpose: To investigate the impact of BM-MDSCs on murine heart transplantation
Material and Methods: Bone marrow cells were harvested and cultured with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) for 4days to generate Gr1+ CD11b+ BM-MDSCs.Vascularized heart from BALB/c mice was transplanted into the abdomen of C57BL/6 mice. Five million of BM-MDSCs was injected to transplanted mice immediately, 24 and 72 hours after transplantation. Graft survivals were compared to syngeneic and allogeneic control grafts.
Results: Graft survival was significantly prolonged in BM-MDSCs group compared with allogeneic transplants ( Log Rank p<0.05).The number of infiltrated CD8+ and CD4+ Tcell in graft was also significantly lower in BM-MDSCs group.mRNA expression of INF-γ and Granzyme B in graft were significantly decreased and foxp3 expression increased in BM-MDSCs group.Injected BM-MDSCs were not found neither spleen nor lymph node at 7 days after transplantation.

Conclusions: BM-MDSCs therapy is a potential option to protect graft rejection in organ transplantation. 

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