Kidney Posters

Monday July 02, 2018 from 16:30 to 17:30

Room: Hall 10 - Exhibition

P.063 Deceased donor renal transplantation: A single tertiary care center experience

Kunal Kapoor, India

Senior Resident
Department of Renal Transplant Surgery
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India


Deceased donor renal transplantation: A single tertiary care center experience

Kunal Kapoor1, Ashish Sharma1, Deepesh Benjamin Kenwar1, Sarbpreet Singh1, Navdeep Singh1.

1Department of Renal Transplant Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh , India

•Deceased Donor Renal Transplantation (DDRT) is the possible solution to bridge the disparity between organ supply and demand. In India, the potential for DDRT is huge due to the high number of fatal road traffic accidents and this pool is yet to be tapped. 
•In India, approximately 175,000 patients are added each year to the pool of ESRD; however, only 10% of these receive RRT and 2.4% patients receive RT.
•The rate of RT performed yearly in India translates to 3.25 per million populations (PMP); the deceased–donation rate is 0.08 PMP per year.
Aim: To study the outcome of patients undergoing deceased  donor renal transplant at our center.
Materials and Methods
•This was a retrospective study of 212 patients who underwent DDRT in our institute from January 2006 to June 2017 with a mean follow up of 51.2 months.
•Demographics and post-transplant follow up including
1.Graft function
2.Immunosuppression requirement
3.Rejection rate
4.Rate of infective episodes
5.Patient Survival (defined as time from transplantation to death).
6.Graft survival (defined as time from transplant to requirement for hemodialysis).
7.Cold ischemia time
8.Rate of DGF

•Our results were comparable with other centers from our country. Deceased donor transplantation has recently picked up pace at our institute with close to 35% of total transplants being done in a year are now from deceased donors. 
•Infection, long duration of HD before transplant, increased DGF, socioeconomic factors pervasively influenced access to health care, may have contributed to high 5-year post-transplantation mortality, with most of these deaths caused by sepsis.

Presentations by Kunal Kapoor

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