Innovations in Transplant Education I (Videos Available)

Tuesday July 03, 2018 from 09:45 to 11:15

Room: N-111

422.8 The impact on attitude toward organ donation of an educational intervention for teenagers involving the creation of short films (Video Available)

Javier Almela, Spain

University of Murcia. Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (Murcia).


The Impact on Attitude toward Organ Donation of an Educational Intervention for Teenagers Involving the Creation of Short Films

Beatriz Febrero1, Javier J Almela1, Pablo P Ramírez1, Inmaculada I Ros1, Belén B Pérez-Sánchez2, Antonio A Ríos1, Beatriz B Gómez1, Pascual P Parrilla1.

1General Surgery. Transplant Unit., Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital. Instituto Murciano de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Murcia, Spain; 2Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Informatics. , Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Spain

Introduction: It is essential for teenagers to have a positive attitude toward organ donation in order to maintain high levels of donation in the future. However, previous studies have shown that there is an unfavorable attitude toward organ donation and transplantation (O.D.T.) in this group, with no important change in attitude after attending informative talks about the subject. Objective: To analyze the impact on attitude toward organ donation of an innovative educational intervention on teenagers involving the creation of short films related to the subject of O.D.T.
Materials and Methods: Study population: students from the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education (C.S.O.) were randomly selected from ten secondary schools in southeastern Spain (n=542). A questionnaire was applied which assessed attitude toward O.D.T. Afterwards an educational intervention was carried out in which the teenagers were provided with a website in class with the necessary information for being able to make a short film about O.D.T. The website consisted of three parts, in the first there were 13 interviews given to important personalities who explained the most important topics related to O.D.T. The second part was an archive with audiovisual contents about O.D.T. (documentaries, adverts, films, etc.). In the third part, an explanation was given about how to make a short film using a mobile phone. At the time of handing in the short film the students completed the initial questionnaire again. They completed it anonymously, but they used a code which made it possible to match each student's second questionnaire with their initial one. Statistical analysis: SPSS Base Statistics (version 21.0). A descriptive analysis, Student's t-test, the Chi cuadrado and a McNemar test.
Results: 391 questionnaires were correlated (a 72% completion rate). The following results were found in the first and second questionnaire: favorable opinion about O.D.T. in general: 85% vs. 96% (p<0.001); favorable attitude toward the donation of one's own organs: 64% vs. 71% (p=0.008); a favorable attitude toward the donation of a family member's organs: 40% vs. 59% (p<0.001); attitude toward living kidney donation: 78% vs. 83% (p=0.033); attitude toward living liver donation: 70% vs. 78% (p=0.004).
Conclusion: An innovative educational intervention about O.D.T. involving the creation of short films related to this subject could improve teenager attitude toward different kinds of organ donation.


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