Sociedad Argentina de Trasplantes

Hall 10 - Exhibition

Booth # 73

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The Argentine Society of Transplants (SAT) is a Civil Association that brings together doctors, biochemists, biologists, psychologists with academic and scientific interests in organ transplants. Currently, it is made up of members trained in different specialties, given that in Argentina cardiac, liver, lung, kidney, bone, bone marrow, pancreatic, corneal, skin and tissue transplants are performed.

The SAT, created in 1982 as the Argentine Transplant Association, was refounded in 1994 to enable the broad participation of all Argentine professionals. The objectives of our Society are set out in the Articles of Incorporation and the main rules of operation are described in its Statute. The SAT has in its functional structure a Board of Directors, constituted by a President, a Vice President, Secretary, Pro-secretary, Treasurer, Pro-treasurer and 6 Members. Currently has Advisory Committees of Kidney, Liver, Heart, Medulla, Lung, Pancreas, Infectology and Immunology. These Committees are constituted as Chapters and each one has a Director, a Co-Director and a group of professionals of the specialty, who are working on specific topics.

SAT Natalia Somoza


+54 9 11 4322-3113

MaipĂș 631 4to H

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